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Nashoba Associated Boards of Health (NABH) welcomes adults who are experiencing grief to participate in monthly, drop-in Grief & Healing Support Groups throughout the region. Facilitated by grief counselor Karen Campbell, MSMHC, these free support groups are open to the public and offer a safe space to share experiences of the grief journey. The program honors all types of grief, including grief due to loss, change, and transitions.  In recognition that grief has no time frame, those who grieve are welcomed at any time in their journey.  The NABH grief counselor is also available for workshops and presentations at the request of our region’s municipal partners.

The goal of NABH’s grief and bereavement program is to positively impact the health and wellbeing of the region’s approximately 120,000 residents by providing accessible support and resources to help people navigate grief and loss past, present, and future.  NABH believes that in a primarily rural region where accessible behavioral health supports are lacking and many adults are “aging in place”, community-embedded grief support IS a critical public health service.

The program’s landing page on the Nashoba website is here:

And the agency’s Calendar page (containing grief group and workshop dates/times/locations) is here: